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MEV Supply Chain Interface

The previous pages have illustrated how to:

  • Build blocks for other chains
  • Use confidential computation in various different ways depending on your use case
  • Leverage confidential data storage to create a service that is currently run in a centralized way on a decentralized and permissionless network.

Taken together, these three broad categories of the unique SUAVE features allow you to interact with any component in the MEV supply chain. The MEV supply chain looks something like this:

MEV Supply Chain - Linear Version

Off-SUAVE interface​

    function submitBundleJsonRPC(string memory url, string memory method, bytes memory params) internal view returns (bytes memory)
function submitEthBlockToRelay(string memory relayUrl, bytes memory builderBid) internal view returns (bytes memory)
function doHTTPRequest(HttpRequest memory request) internal view returns (bytes memory)

We've already seen in the previous tutorial, which looked at the Private OFA Suapp example contract, how to create bundles and send them to a predefined block builder using the submitBundleJsonRPC() precompile.

Similarly speaking, you can construct the whole block yourself and send it to a builder using submitEthBlockToRelay(). Taken together, these two precompiles allow you to interface with the transaction, bundle, and block aspects of the supply chain above.

Furthermore, there is a doHTTPRequest() precompile, which enables Kettles to make any arbitrary http request in order to fetch information from other services they're running on different chains, or just about any other API they need to handle their off chain computation. An example of this in use can also be found in the Private OFA Suapp Example, and it looks like this:

function submitBundle(string memory builderUrl, bytes memory bundleData) internal view returns (bytes memory) {
// encode the jsonrpc request in JSON format.
bytes memory body =
abi.encodePacked('{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"mev_sendBundle","params":[', bundleData, '],"id":1}');

Suave.HttpRequest memory request;
request.url = builderUrl;
request.method = "POST";
request.body = body;
request.headers = new string[](1);
request.headers[0] = "Content-Type: application/json";
request.withFlashbotsSignature = true;

return Suave.doHTTPRequest(request);

On-SUAVE interface​

    function confidentialStore(DataId dataId, string memory key, bytes memory value) internal view
function confidentialRetrieve(DataId dataId, string memory key) internal view returns (bytes memory)

The Private OFA examples also illustrates how the confidential store, and the various on chain interactions in enables, may be used to interface with every aspect of the supply chain, right from user intents to bundles and blocks.

The below visualization demonstrate the generalized form such Suapps can take as SUAVE matures, illustrating how the OFA contract could key values into the confidential store such that a block building contract could fetch them and use them to create and emit valid blocks (this would require, among other things, extending the allowedPeekers we set in the previous page):

OFA to Block Flow

For practical examples of what it looks like to develop on SUAVE, please consult the suave-std tutorial.