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SUAVE Standard Library

suave-std is a collection of Solidity contracts and libraries to help you create Suapps. It is included as a submodule in the SUAPP Examples repo, which we used in the previous tutorial.

In this tutorial, we will be diving deeper into the different capabilities offered by suave-std.


suave-std is the main entrypoint for developers who are interacting with SUAVE. It is a place to create building blocks, sdks, and common patterns that are useful to SUAVE developers.

Some functionalities that suave-std will help you handle include:

  • πŸ’± Transaction parsing and construction
  • πŸ”§ JSON object decoding and encoding
  • ♾️ A wrapper for all the precompiles to make calling any of them more convenient


Encoding and decoding transactions from other chains is often necessary when matching different transactions in an order flow auction, or turning bundles into (partial) blocks in a block building contract, or weaving together different transactions on different chains for your unique use case.

Having to encode and decode such transactions is a pain, which is exactly the sort of scenario where suave-std can help:

import "suave-std/Transactions.sol";

contract Example {
function example() {
Transactions.Legacy memory legacyTxn0 = Transactions.Legacy({
to: address(0x095E7BAea6a6c7c4c2DfeB977eFac326aF552d87),
gas: 50000,
gasPrice: 10,
value: 10,

// Encode to RLP
bytes memory rlp = Transactions.encodeRLP(legacyTxn0);

// Decode from RLP
Transactions.Legacy memory legacyTxn1 = Transactions.decodeRLP(rlp);

SUAVE Enabled Tests​

It can also be difficult to test specific precompiles when using Forge. In order to make this possible, suave-std provides a "SUAVE-enabled" test contract, which you can import and use like this:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense
pragma solidity ^0.8.13;

import "forge-std/Test.sol";
import "suave-std/Test.sol";
import "suave-std/Suave.sol";

contract TestForge is Test, SuaveEnabled {
address[] public addressList = [0xC8df3686b4Afb2BB53e60EAe97EF043FE03Fb829];

function testConfidentialStore() public {
Suave.DataRecord memory record = Suave.newDataRecord(0, addressList, addressList, "namespace");

bytes memory value = abi.encode("suave works with forge!");
Suave.confidentialStore(, "key1", value);

bytes memory found = Suave.confidentialRetrieve(, "key1");
assertEq(keccak256(found), keccak256(value));


While not yet in the main branch of suave-geth, the MevShare library illustrates all of the major functionality we've discussed so far.


The same is true for the MevBoost library.

The goal of these two libraries is to illustrate how products and services which currently rely on a known set of actors to run can be encoded as smart contracts on SUAVE, and made to work on an open, permissionless network.

It is in this sense that we make the claim that applications built on SUAVE can interface with any component in the MEV supply network.